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I live and train on the amazing island of Jersey!! Perfect training ground with some epic sea swims, stunning trails and a great cycling/triathlon community.

I started triathlon in 2017 after many years running and was hooked after my first event. I knew triathlon was the sport for me and have been seeking the perfect race ever since. 

My favourite distances are Olympic and 70.3. I won my age group in IM 70.3 Dun Loaghaire to qualify and race at the 2022 Ironman 70.3 World Championships and love to race the super competitive Jersey Triathlon, it doesn't get better than racing on home soil.


I love the ezgains products and you will not find a more cost effect improvement around. I particularly like using the ezdisc as it allows me to keep one set of race wheels and when travelling I have options if the weather changes, rather than carry multiple sets of wheels.


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The EZ Aero Chainring Guard®: More Speed, Less Drag

The EZ Aero Chainring Guard®: More Speed, Less Drag

EZ Aero Chainring Guard® EZ Gains® has also addressed another area of the bike that can slow you down: the chainring. Just like with your wheels, air can get caught in the open space around your chain ring, creating drag....

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EZ Disc vs Disc Wheels

EZ Disc vs Disc Wheels

  EZ Gains Rear Wheel Disc Cover One of the first areas riders look to upgrade for aero improvements are their wheels. In time-trial and triathlon racing, many people equip their bikes with a completely covered rear wheel or a...

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Huub Team GB Suit Wind Tunnel Image

EZ Gains® Testing Old GBR Suit vs New Huub GBR Suit

Hi there EZ Riders! In February, tests were conducted at Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub wind tunnel, probably one of the best testing facilities in the world.  The engineer was independent and employed by Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub, and the tests...

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