Save Minutes On Your Bike Leg

I’m Maxwell a 18 year old triathlete training out of Cambridge. I started triathlon the day after my 12th birthday and have loved it since. It was only during the second year of lockdown that I started to take training more seriously and focus on the longer instance races. Jump forward to present day and I’ve made some good progress in my ability. 
In the last season I did the Cambridge Half placing me 3rd in the UK for U18s half marathon. I also completed my first 70.3 Triathlon at Outlaw Half Nottingham and came 3rd in my Age Group. Then I rounded of my season with finishing first in the European Standard Duathlon Qualifiers. 
Being a student the low cost compared to the massive aero gains the disc and chainring covers you’d be mad not to take advantage of them. Plus the swirls on the disc must add some extra speed for how good they look.

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Huub Team GB Suit Wind Tunnel Image

EZ Gains® Testing Old GBR Suit vs New Huub GBR Suit

Hi there EZ Riders! In February, tests were conducted at Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub wind tunnel, probably one of the best testing facilities in the world.  The engineer was independent and employed by Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub, and the tests...

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The Truth About Your Race Day Aero Position - Wind Tunnel Research 🚴‍♂️

The Truth About Your Race Day Aero Position - Wind Tunnel Research 🚴‍♂️

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