EZ Gains Water Bottle Positions
Tests were conducted at Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub wind tunnel, probably one of the best testing facilities in the world, the engineer was independent and employed by Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub, and the tests were carried out by EZ Gains®
James Teagle joined EZ Gains after confirmation that the EZ Disc was as fast as his high end disc wheel tested in 2024 at Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub.
James Teagle Professional Ironman & PTO

EZ Gains® Tests on Old GBR Suit vs New Huub GBR Suits
Tests were conducted at Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub wind tunnel, probably one of the best testing facilities in the world, the engineer was independent and employed by Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub, and the tests were carried out by EZ Gains® with a member of Age Group News present to validate results.
The test subject was a well-respected age group athlete Ben Redman who has been on the podium at GBR events several times.
The Science
EZ Disc-rear-front / EZAero Chainring Cover / EZ Front Derailleur Guard / EZ Aero Apparel
Designed & Manufactured in the UK ISO 1400/9001 accredited Trade Mark. UK00003553177 UK00004000349 UK00003985971 Disc Wheel Cover & Aero Chainring Guard Patent Awarded. Front Derailleur Guard Patent Pending - Mathys & Squire LLP.
EZ Gains® share more data then any other company in the market, this is for reasons of transparency for the customer, we also aim to help educate the athlete on their journey. We ONLY test as race realistic speeds, so the Watt savings you see are true to life.
EZ Gains do not claim to be the absolute aero experts in the industry, we do claim to be the go to company for real "Cost effective gains"

It is pure MYTH that the weight saving will save you enough time on the hilliest route an EZ Disc will be faster, flat or hilly.....

EZ Disc Super Lite 10-15 Watts
The Ultimate EZDisc (Super Lite) this product has been wind tunnel tested, rolling tested and is as fast as a top end disc wheel, also made from a polycarbonate.
When combined with the correct wheel it can weigh the same as a disc wheel 300g -500g depending on EZDisc SL size this is 1/3 lighter then the original EZDisc.

EZ Disc 10-15 Watts
One of the first areas riders look to upgrade for aero improvements are their wheels. In time-trial and triathlon racing, many people equip their bikes with a completely covered rear wheel or a full rear disc wheel.
The EZDisc has all the aero benefits of the EZDisc SL its just 1/3 heavier on average around 125g.
Patent Authorised

EZ Aero Chainring Cover 3-5 Watts
EZ Gains® has also addressed another area of the bike that can slow you down, the chain ring. Just like with your wheels, air can get caught in the open space in your chain ring resulting in drag so they created a simple, cost-efficient carbon fibre cover that slips over most setups.

EZ Gains® Aero Front Derailleur Guard 2-5.8 Watts
Smooth the airflow of your front
derailleur and save a massive 2-5.8 Watts across 30-50 kph.

EZ Disc Stability in Windy Conditions
Disc Wheel Stability:Though it may seem unexpected, research has shown that using a rear disc wheel can actually improve stability in high-wind conditions.When using a spoked rear wheel, the center of pressure is typically located between the front and rear wheels. The front wheel, being free to rotate, is more exposed to crosswinds, which can result in instability.However, with a rear disc wheel, the center of pressure shifts further back, closer to the rear of the bike. This change reduces the influence of crosswinds by increasing the distance between the front wheel’s pivot point and the center of pressure.This effect is comparable to lowering your center of gravity when resisting a push—moving the center of gravity farther from the point of force allows you to withstand greater pressure before losing balance.In a similar way, with a rear EZ Disc, relocating the center of pressure farther from the front wheel’s axis helps the bike resist stronger crosswinds without becoming unstable.